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MVPE Investigator's meeting

KHRC Participates in Malaria Vaccine Pilot Evaluation Case Control Study Investigators' Meeting

September 09, 2024 | News Feed | Reading time: 4 min


On September 19, 2022, the Malaria Vaccine Pilot Evaluation team (MVPE) in Ghana led by Dr. Kwaku Poku Asante, the Coordinating Investigator and Director of Kintampo Health Research Centre was in the Central region (Cape Coast), which is one of the project's study areas to welcome a team from WHO. The team from WHO headquarters (hqrs) in Geneva and the country office in Ghana visited the Central region of Ghana to monitor ongoing Malaria Vaccine Implementation Programme (MVIP) activities.

The main objective of the case control studies is to evaluate the incremental benefit of the 4th vaccine dose, as well as the magnitude of rebound effects, if observed, in children who receive only the primary series of 3 doses. Findings from the study will inform potential future changes to WHO recommendations for malaria vaccines and may have implications for vaccine cost, cost effectiveness, and schedule adherence.

In 2023, with the conclusion of the MVIP, Gavi established an award with WHO to support the continuation of key MVPE sentinel hospital and community mortality surveillance activities through June 2024, with additional months for follow up and closeout (i.e., through 31 December 2024).

With data analysis and WHO evidence review planned in Q3-Q42024, an investigators' meeting involving investigators at WHO, KHRC, LSHTM, Malawi, Kenya and EVI, was organised in Accra to focus on preliminary data analysis, discussions on key study outputs, results dissemination timelines and identify key policy questions for WHO's advisory groups.

The objectives of the meeting are as follows:

  • 1. To conduct preliminary analysis of the case control study data
  • 2. To determine key study outputs and messages for the case control study
  • 3. To develop timelines and identify opportunities for results dissemination
  • 3. To identify key policy questions for WHO advisory groups (e.g., MVIP DSMB and SAGE-MPAG Working Group).

The objectives of the meeting are as follows:

  • 1. Preliminary analysis and study outputs for the case control study finalized.
  • 2. Timelines and platforms for dissemination of study findings mapped.
  • 3. Policy questions for WHO advisory groups determined.
  • 4. Financial budgets reviewed to ensure successful closure of MVPE-CC